Monday, January 10, 2011

Oh Charlie

I never knew my love could increase this much. I never knew I had these kind of feelings inside of me. My little baby boy is perfect, sweet, loving, smiley, and oh so yummy. I thank God for him every day, and the joy he brings in my life. When things are going wrong, or I'm feeling stressed out or angry, one enormous smile from Charlie makes everything else melt away. God is so amazing and good to us to give us the gift and blessing of our children. 

I wouldn't mind if Charlie stayed a baby forever, just looking at me with those perfect eyes. No one else looks at me the way Charlie does. Faith did, at one point, before I had a chance to ever yell at her or hurt her feelings. Charlie's the only one who doesn't judge me. Not that I feel people are judging me all the time, haha, but I'm just saying that it's a special feeling knowing that someone relies on you, thinks the world of you, and has never been hurt by you. 

Now I know why there is a special bond between Faith and her Daddy. And I'm thankful for that just as much as I am for my special bond with little Charlie. 

I should probably be cleaning up or doing something productive around the house, but sitting here at the computer nursing Charlie is one of my favorite things to do. He falls asleep, and I get to hold him still. I'm trying to soak up every last minute of him being a baby because it seriously goes by way too quickly. I hardly remember those moments with Faith with much clarity anymore. He will never be this small again, and neither will Faith, which is why I have to force myself to stop and remember that about her, as well.


  1. Yay! I look forward to being a faithful reader of your blog. :)

  2. This makes me so excited to have a boy!! You know I'm anxious about it, but your eloquent words have struck a new chord of excitement with me! Thank you. :)
